Monday, September 14, 2015

ADSS 1.121 Cortesi to Maglione: Poland mobilises

ADSS 1.121 Fillipo Cortesi, Poland to Luigi Maglione, Sec State.

Reference: Telegram 33, AES 5763/39

Location and date: Warsaw, 25.08.1939

Summary statement: Polish mobilisation

Language: Italian


All men up to forty years of age called to arms in border province with East Prussia and three classes in the remained of the Republic.
The order had been given secretly.


This information on Polish mobilisation is taken from the Axis History military history website (accessed 06.09.2015).  It is a site I have used many times over the years and have found it to be a very reliable source of information.

Between 14 and 16 of August two additional divisions and cavalry brigade were alarmed and put in full strength. Few days later 10th Motorized Cavalry Brigade was transferred to the Krakow Army area

On August 23 all air force and air defense units as well as 15 infantry divisions and 7 cavalry brigades were put in strength. The first transports to the west started within the following 4 days

On August 27 further 3 infantry divisions and 2 cavalry brigades were raised as well as parts of 3 divisions foreseen to be put at full strength in the mixed mobilization

On August 29 the general mobilization was declared, however under the pressure from the government and French and British ambassadors it was cancelled, just to be declared again on August 30.

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